We’ll be at Union Tavern* in Union Square, Somerville on Thursday, May 16 with our pals from Indoor Friends and Lobo Hombre. The music starts around 8pm, and should be done before 11pm. That makes it a fairly reasonable weeknight rager, right? (Or is Thursday part of the weekend, like it was in college? I don’t know; we’re old.)

We’ve played a bunch of shows with Indoor Friends by now. They’re one of our favorite local bands, and some of our favorite local people as well. You may even recognize them as the guest vocalists on our most recent single, “Oh Dolours!” As for Lobo Hombre, we’ve been fans of theirs for a while. We were excited to play with them at the Midway back in March. …Then their drummer broke his wrist. The acoustic set they ended up doing was absolutely fascinating — sort of a personal tour through Latino music and culture, with a punk rock edge. It was honestly pretty cool. But we’re also pumped to finally play with the full, loud live band.
That show is on Thursday, May 16 in Union Square, Somerville. But earlier that week, we’ll also be making our inaugural appearance at Somerville Porch Fest! You can catch us around 4pm (Zone 3 or something, as I understand it?) at 18 Webster Street, Somerville MA. It’ll likely be a less, erm, traditional Roland High Life set. Possibly a few surprise covers? Maybe mess around with a few new songs? Who knows! But we’re excited to be out on the street for this one!
Anyway — see ya at the shows!
*Formerly PA’s Lounge (iykyk)
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